Featured Paintings
Peas In A Pod
by Douglas Twitchell
Daniel and his friend Ryan, goofing around at the Winter Special Olympics at Sugarloaf, Maine
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I had some fun with this one. The goal here was not to create a particularly "realistic" painting, but to see how quickly, with minimal brush stokes, I could capture these two boys goofing off.
The boy on the left is my nephew Daniel, and the other boy is his best friend Ryan. We joke that they are like two peas in a pod. They were posing for a picture (the reference photo for this painting) just after coming in from the Winter Special Olympics at Sugarloaf, Maine.
Daniel, as he often does when he's posing for a picture, is grimacing more than smiling. Ryan has decided to give Daniel "bunny ears," and just as the picture is taken, Daniel realizes what he is doing, and tries to grab his hand.
Painting Details
Title: Peas In A Pod
Size: 7 in. x 5 in.
Medium: Acrylics
Categories: people