Featured Paintings
Sugarloaf over Stratton Brook Pond
by Douglas Twitchell
A view of Maine's Sugarloaf Mountain, as viewed from Stratton Brook Pond
You are viewing items in the mountains category.
In my opinion, there are very few places in the world that rival a good rugged mountain summit for sheer beauty. Once in awhile, though, in the process of making my way toward one of those summits, I find a spot - like this one - that is almost too lovely for words.
This is the Stratton Brook Pond, a body of water at the base of Bigelow Mountain, near Stratton, Maine. As you stand at this pond, you can look in one direction and see views of Sugarloaf Mountain (depicted here) or you can look in another direction and get lovely views of Maine's massive Bigelow Mountain.
I plan to do a series of Bigelow Mountain paintings, and this one is the first.
Painting Details
Title: Sugarloaf over Stratton Brook Pond
Size: 10 in. x 8 in.
Medium: Acrylics
Categories: mountains, lakes